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reviewed Asylum by Una McCormack

Una McCormack: Asylum (2024, Gallery Books) 4 stars

A new Star Trek adventure based on the thrilling Paramount+ TV seriesStar Trek: Strange New …

Becoming Number One

4 stars

I loved seeing how Chris Pike and Una Chin-Riley meet and become friends. The problems she's facing during her time at the academy, the guilt she carries, and how that catches up on her during the Enterprise's current mission is all wonderfully woven together. I loved seeing some of the SNW crew as well, especially one member was fun as always. More of them please! The new species we meet and its history and situation are very interesting and I liked everything about it. Very current, very important. Una McCormack does, once again, not disappoint. Could she ever?! As always, I recommend her interview about this book on the Literary Treks podcast. Edit: And here‘s her interview with Positively Trek.

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reviewed Star Trek Prodigy Collection by Robb Pearlman (Star Trek: Prodigy, #1-3)

Robb Pearlman, Cassandra Rose Clarke: Star Trek Prodigy Collection (Paperback, 2023, Simon Spotlight) 4 stars

Contains three books:

A Dangerous Trade by Cassandra Rose Clarke While traveling through the Delta …

Group Hug!

4 stars

This is a delightful collection of stories. They have as much heart, humour, and excitement as the tv show and I want more. Much much more! I enjoyed all three books. They are quick to read, each of them 150 pages long with larger than usual print. I think this is a great format for Prodigy stories outside of the show. But I doubt there will ever be more since P+ has kicked the show out.

Two of the books were written by Cassandra Rose Clarke, who also wrote the TNG novel "Shadows Have Offended". I want more of her writing in Star Trek.

All three books introduce us to a new world and new species, which were all fun and interesting to explore. I am particularly fond of the garbage pile and its inhabitants in Clarke's "Escape Route" though. I thought that was a great idea to have a …

reviewed Lost to Eternity by Greg Cox (Star Trek)

Greg Cox: Lost to Eternity (AudiobookFormat, 2024, Simon & Schuster Audio) 4 stars

A thrilling new Star Trek “movie era” novel from New York Times bestselling author Greg …

Scully should be a verb, or: The Search for Gillian Taylor*

4 stars

Content warning Star Trek: Lost to Eternity -- no real spoilers, but a few hints